Photovoltaic power plant, inst. power 3MWp Financing management, EPC contract for construction of photovoltaic power plant PVP Voivozi 2. Project value is 6 mil. EUR
Photovoltaic power plant, inst. power 3MWp Financing management, EPC contract for construction of photovoltaic power plant PVP Voivozi 1. Project value is 6 mil. EUR
Photovoltaic power plant, inst. power 1 MWp Financing management, EPC contract for construction of photovoltaic power plant FVE Vígľaš 2. Project value is 2,85mil. EUR
Photovoltaic power plant, inst. power 1 MWp Financing management, EPC contract for construction of photovoltaic power plant FVE Vígľaš 1. Project value is 3,02mil. EUR
Multifunctional retail building in the center of Stara Tura city. EPC contract for reconstruction and rebuilding of formal multifunctional building at the centre of Stara Tura city. Project value is 2,0mil EUR
Photovoltaic power plant, inst. power 1 MWp Financing management, EPC contract for construction of photovoltaic power plant FVE Drzenice, Levice location. Project value is 2,7mil. EUR
Photovoltaic power plant, inst. power 840kWp Complete EPC contract for development and construction of photovoltaic power plant at our own facility – HT technology park Vlkanová. Value of the project is 2,5mil. EUR
Wood saw in Krasno nad Kysucou Technology equipment legalization procedure, Permanent operation permit engineering works, CE certification, revision reports, Final Operation permit procedure, Consulting services
Electric deposition, water born painting line, MOBIS Slovakia Final Operation Permit procedure under IPPC procedure incl. technology installation consulting services (installation engineering and consulting services, fire fighting documentation, technology project, revision reports, CE certification procedure for complete technology lines, Authority Engineering, etc.)
Plastic molding factory Technology equipment legalization procedure .. providing technology project documentation, firefighting documentation, Technology building permit, CE certification, revision reports, Final Operation permit procedure, Consulting services.
VPC line and Water Booth Line in HYUNDAI Motors Manufacturing Czech project Technology installation and CE certification procedure (mechanical modifications of the line, revision reports, technology project documentation, firefighting documentation, Authority Engineering)
Production Shops KMS factory Complete service of the Final Operation Permit for Press, Body, Assembly, VPC, Engine Shops as well as other Building Objects under responsibility of KMS:
– Technology installation consulting services
– Authority Engineering
– Fire fighting documentation
– Technology project execution
– Environmental and Authority Engineering
Production Shops KMS factory CE Certification of complete technology in:
– Press Shop
– Body Shop
– Engine shop
– Education and Training Centre
Tire Assembly line – KIA Motors factory Technology installation engineering and consulting, CE certification procedure for Tire Assembly Line (SO 430) (mechanical modifications of the line, revision reports, technology project documentation, firefighting documentation, Authority Engineering)
VPC line – KIA Motors factory Technology installation and CE certification procedure for VPC line (SO 750) (mechanical modifications of the line, revision reports, technology project documentation, firefighting documentation, Authority Engineering)
HT technology park Vlkanová Industrial park project development, from EIA, Planning Permit, Building Permit, Operation Permit. All inclusive engineering from land development up to Rent Contract arranging for HTMAS s.r.o. client, total project value 10mil. EUR
Heat treatment shop Complete technology construction, development and installation services, all stages of the project provided from EIA, Planning permit, Building Permit, Final operation permit, CE certification services .. all inclusive project management services, total project value 5mil. Eur
Steel cutting and bending plant Final Operation Permit procedure incl. technology installation consulting services (fire fighting documentation, technology project, revision reports, CE certification procedure for complete technology lines, Authority Engineering)
2005–up to date
Local representation – TRACTEBEL Representation office of Cheming, a.s. Czech Republic, member of TRACTEBEL Engineering Group (SUEZ), Belgium
Bioethanol plant ADW Bio, a.s. Czech Republic Project Management services for private Investor .. full responsibility for plant preparation phase from EIA, Planning Permit, Building permit, technology selection, know-how implementation, procurement of supplies, etc. up to construction phase .. project value 800mil. CZK